State Bar of California
Super Lawyers



March 12, 2014, Auditing Issues, KFWB 101 Money Talk w/ Bob McCormick Play


December 11-13, 2013, Criminal Tax Fraud and 3rd National Institute on Tax Controversy, 2013 American Bar Association 30th Annual Institute, Las Vegas

November 8, 2013, State and Federal Responsible Person Penalties - Moderator, California State Bar Tax Section Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA

October 10, 2013, What to Do if Your Clients Haven’t Reported Their Offshore Bank Accounts , Onepath Practice Management

March 11, 2013 & March 29, 2013 & May 14, 2013, Money 101 With Bob McKormick, KFWB Radio 980 AM, Los Angeles, CA

February 12, 2013, International Tax Enforcement Update, Los Angeles County Bar Association's 2013 Tax Night, Los Angeles, CA


December 5-7, 2012, Tax Strategies, Administrative Tax Strategies and Techniques in a Recessionary Economy , 2012 American Bar Association 29th Annual National Institute on Criminal Tax Fraud and 2nd National Institute on Tax Controversy , Wynn Hotel, Las Vegas

September 10, 2012, Quiet Voluntary Disclosures, Noisy Voluntary Disclosures, and Opting Out , California Society of CPAs Los Angeles Chapter Discussion Group , Beckham Grill Restaurant, Pasadena, CA

June 1, 2012, IRS Innocent Spouse Defense, Discharging Taxes in Bankruptcy & Increase Revenue with Other Tax Remedies , ExCalibur Casino Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

May 4, 2012, FBARs, Quiet Voluntary Disclosures, Noisy Voluntary Disclosures and Opting Out , Santa Clarita Valley CPA Discussion Group

January 24, 2012, Top Tax Practice Tips and Representation Strategies: Offshore Accounts - Quick Tips , University of Southern California 2012 Tax Institute, Millennium Biltmore Hotel


October 25, 2011, E-Filers Beware, UCLA Tax Controversy Institute, Beverly Hills Hotel

May 20, 2011, Offshore Voluntary Disclosure 2.0 Amnesty Part 2, Your Client's Last Chance? , CA Society of CPAs, Hollywood/Beverly Hills Discussion Group


October 26, 2010, IRS Office of Professional Responsibility, UCLA Tax Controversy Institute

April 6, 2010, Tax Practice and Procedue: Working With (and Against) the IRS , University of Southern California Tax Research


September 2, 2009, Foreign Bank Account Reporting: It's Not Just for Tax Cheats, 2009 Warner Center Estate and Tax Planning Council

May 28, 2009, FBAR and Voluntary Disclosure, Singer Lewak: Accountants and Consultants


November 6-8, 2008, Sales and Use Tax Audits: A Guide for Tax Professionals, 2008 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar and California Tax Policy Conference

October 28, 2008, Taxpayer Advocate: Who, When, and How They Can Help, UCLA Tax Controversy Institute


November 4, 2007, Transferre Liability, 2007 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar & California Tax Policy Conference

October 31, 2007, Voluntary Disclosure: The Basics, UCLA Tax Controversy Institute


November 3, 2006, Appeal of EDD Audits, 2006 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar

October 23, 2006, Tax Collection Techniques: Money Talks!, UCLA Extension Annual Tax Controversy Institute

October 8, 2006, Innocent Spouse: Urban Legend or Viable Option?, 79th Annual Meeting of the State Bar of California, Taxation Section


October 31, 2005, New Circular 230 Regulations - Finally, Some Practical Advice , UCLA Extension Annual Tax Controversy Institute

September 11, 2005, Handling Estate Tax Audits and Appeals Without Getting Sued, 78th Annual Meeting of the State Bar of California, Taxation Section


November 9, 2004, Recent Developments in Tax Procedure: What You Don't Know May Be Malpractice , Tax Night 2004

November 05, 2004, Handling a Sales Tax Audit, 2004 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar

October 09, 2004, What Every Lawyer Needs to Know About Divorce and Taxation, CA State Bar

May 22, 2004, Divorce Taxation, Annual Spring Tax Conference at California State University Northridge


November 19, 2003 and November 20, 2003, Tax Collection Update: 2003 Tax Update and Planning Conference , CA CPA Education Foundation (Universal City & San Francisco)

November 08, 2003, Ethics Inspection: A Look at Tax Practitioner Ethics, Particularly Comparing State Bar, CPA and Circular 230 , 2003 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bars

October 26, 2003, Tax Issues: Damages, Rescission and Debt Cancellation as Client Income , Consumer Rights Litigation Conference

October 21, 2003, What to Do When the Audit Goes South, South Bay Chapter of Enrolled Agents

May 29, 2003, What to do When the Audit Goes South, Warner Center CPA Club

May 16, 2003, Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Offers in Compromise and Finally Get a Chance to Ask , CA State Bar Taxation Section Tax Procedure & Litigation Committee

May 6, 2003, Discharge or Death - Making Taxes Disappear in Bankruptcy, Beverly Hills Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Section

March 13, 2003, Enhanced IRS Collection in the New Millennium: Is IRS Prepared to Destroy the Village? , Beverly Hills Bar Association - Taxation Law Section


November 12, 2002, Latest Developments in IRS Offers, Statute Waivers & Fast Track Mediation, Tax Night 2002

October 17, 2002, Compliance: Recent Trends in SB/SE Exam Collection, UCLA Extension Annual Tax Controversy Institute

October 8, 2002, What to do When the Audit Goes South, CA Society of Enrolled Agents, Los Angeles Chapter


November 9, 2001, Legislative & Judicial Changes in Bankruptcy Taxation, CA State Bar: 2001 Annual Meeting of the CA Tax Bars

October 25, 2001, Tax Collection Roundtable, UCLA Extension: Annual Tax Controversy Institute

June 8, 2001, Bankruptcy & Taxes - An Update!, CA Society of CPAs, Hollywood/Beverly Hills Discussion Group

April 25, 2001, CA State Law Innocent Spouse Update, LACBA Family Law & Taxation Sections


October 26, 1999, Collection Due Process - Fact or Fiction? UCLA Extention: Annual Tax Controversy Institute.

July 13, 1999, Bankruptcy Basics, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Small Firm and Sole Practicioner Section.

February 23, 1999, Innocent Spouse: What You Need to Know, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Taxation and Family Law Sections.

February 9, 1999, Recent Changes in the Innocent Spouse Doctrine, Beverly Hills Family Law Study Group.

February 5, 1999, Ethical Dilemmas Facing Lawyers Practicing at CPA Firms, Los Angeles County Bar Association Tax Section.


November 18, 1998, Taxpayer Bill of Rights III, CPA/Business Managers Committee.

November 17, 1998, Tax Collection After the IRS Reform and Restructuring Act, Tax Night '98.

November 14, 1998, The Taxpayer's Last Resort: The Basic Rules for Eliminating Federal and State Taxes in Bankruptcy , California State Bar, 1998 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bars.

September 24, 1998, Taxpayer Bill of Rights III, Warner Center CPA Club

July 17, 1998, Taxpayer Bill of Rights III, California Society of CPAs, Hollywood/Beverly Hills Discussion Group

May 29, 1998, New Developments in Discharging Taxes in Bankruptcy Including State Tax Problems , California Society of CPAs, Hollywood/Beverly Hills Discussion Group

January 23, 1998, Surviving An IRS Audit, San Fernando Valley Bar Association.


December 4, 1997, Independent Contractor Status Update, Warner Center CPA Club.

November 14, 1997, The IRS and You: What to Do and What Not to Do, Consumer Attorneys of California Annual Meeting.

May 16, 1997, Bankruptcy: The Silver Bullet of Tax Defense, California State Bar, Section Education Institute.

February 5, 1997, Taxpayer Bill of Rights II, Warner Center Estate and Tax Planning Council.


December 12, 1996, Current Developments in Tax Procedure and Litigation, Los Angeles County Bar Association Taxation Section.

E-Filters Beware

Top Tax Practice Tips and Representation Strategies: Offshore Accounts—Quick Tips

Client Reviews
"Dennis, Meredith, and staff… As I reflect upon this year, there are a few individuals who have made my life much better. I appreciate and feel blessed for all the effort made on my behalf. Thank you very much…" KB
"Thank you for your good work in resolving my innocent spouse case. I will be forever grateful!" KB
"It is a pleasure to send you this check...knowing I have friends like you who are there to help!" HB
"Words can not express my appreciation. YOU DID IT!!!! I have dealt with and paid multiple people to resolve my tax problems, however you were the only one who was successful..." CB
"Your assistance is greatly appreciated and beyond the call of the average attorney who would not take the time. I will consult with you and refer whomever I can to you, whenever possible." EK