
Payment Agreements, Offers in Compromise

Offers In Compromise IRS Charges Our Client $4.3 Million. We Reduce It to $251,000.

Our client owed over $4.3 million for 1982 through 1986. The IRS rejected a previous offer in compromise by the taxpayer which was prepared by his CPA. The IRS accepted our offer in compromise for $251,000.

This Client Owed $75,000 in Income Taxes and Only Had to Pay $1,500.

Our client owed the IRS approximately $75,000 in income taxes. The IRS accepted an offer in compromise for $1,500 in full payment of her tax debt. In additional the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) agreed to treat her $100,000 tax debt as permanently uncollectible without any payment at all.

How We Defended an Entertainer Who Owed $1 Million+ in Taxes

Our client, an entertainer, owed in excess of $1 million. We negotiated an offer in compromise which settled the case for 24 monthly payments of $16,000, allowing our client to keep her interest in a pension plan with assets of almost $500,000.

Small Business Owner Billed $650k in Excise Tax Liabilities Only Pays $3,987
The Problem:

Our client, the owner of a tanning salon, had been unaware for several years that the business was subject to quarterly federal excise tax liabilities and had accordingly failed to file excise tax returns or pay the tax owed. The IRS was charging them with approximately $650,000 in excise tax liability.

The Solution:

Our tax attorneys and paralegals were able to obtain an offer in compromise for our client, and the IRS agreed to compromise the $650,000 liability for one lump sum payment totaling $3,987.

We Successfully Defended a Client Who Had $130,000 in Tax Debt.

Our client had a tax debt for personal income tax more than $130,000. Although he had substantial assets, we convinced the IRS to accept an effective tax administration offer in compromise for $2,500.

$110,000 in Income Taxes Reduced to $12,600

Our client owed the IRS $110,000 in income taxes. The IRS accepted an offer in compromise for $12,600 paid over 24 months at $525 per month.

When Our Client’s Accountant Couldn’t Help, We Stepped In.

An offer in compromise submitted by our client's accountant was rejected when the IRS determined that he could afford to pay the total tax due of over $131,000. We convinced the same IRS specialist in offer in compromise to accept less than $30,000.

Commercial Real Estate Broker Gets 83% Reduction in Taxes Due.

The Brager Tax Law Group obtained an offer in compromise of $234,411 for a commercial real estate broker who owed the IRS $1,368,000 for an eight-year tax period. We obtained an 83 percent reduction in taxes due. We also obtained an installment agreement of $2,000 per month for the client’s state income tax liability of $331,000.

$130,000 in taxes becomes $15,000.

We negotiated a $15,000 offer in compromise with the IRS in settlement of $130,000 in taxes.

We Reduced 6 Years of Unpaid Income Taxes by 77%

Our client owed income taxes to the IRS for 6 years totaling over $131,000. The IRS accepted an offer in compromise for $29,861.

Payment Agreements 14 Years of Income Tax Penalties Reduced by 70%.

Our clients owed Federal income tax spanning 14 years totaling almost $300,000. Our IRS tax problem lawyers arranged for an installment agreement which limited the payment of tax to $90,000 over the term of a multi-year installment agreement.

Client Reviews
"Dennis, Meredith, and staff… As I reflect upon this year, there are a few individuals who have made my life much better. I appreciate and feel blessed for all the effort made on my behalf. Thank you very much…" KB
"Thank you for your good work in resolving my innocent spouse case. I will be forever grateful!" KB
"It is a pleasure to send you this check...knowing I have friends like you who are there to help!" HB
"Words can not express my appreciation. YOU DID IT!!!! I have dealt with and paid multiple people to resolve my tax problems, however you were the only one who was successful..." CB
"Your assistance is greatly appreciated and beyond the call of the average attorney who would not take the time. I will consult with you and refer whomever I can to you, whenever possible." EK
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